End-to-end delivery management that simplifies and streamlines logistics for contractors and suppliers

Benefits of our delivery management solution
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Delivery Management- effective delivery management

An online Delivery Management System that acts as a portal for contractors and suppliers, enabling effective management of site deliveries throughout the logistics process.

The system can be accessed online allowing users to check in deliveries and ensure vehicle compliance in real-time. Our Delivery Management System provides a hassle-free and efficient method to reserve, monitor and control site deliveries. We acknowledge that every site has unique requirements, which is why our system can be customised to suit individual needs.

This includes the ability to add gates, establish laydown areas, and assign delivery slots. With the option for both contractors and subcontractors to reserve delivery slots and gates in advance, our system prevents miscommunication, gate double bookings, and site congestion. By using our template, we can create a delivery booking form that caters to your exact needs.

Our Delivery Management software provides the perfect solution to your workforce. It not only saves you time and money by digitising numerous manual processes it also increases efficiency and productivity within your company.

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